Monday, June 16, 2008

Hey CJ - thanks for making this blog. My first post! I was put in as Relief Society president yesterday - life never stays the same! John got an MP3 player for father's day. Here we are - finally in the 21st century!

We had a father's day dinner with David and calls from CJ, Jed & Scott.

Notes on D.C. trip with Jed, John and I (sorry, it was too hot to take photos). The FOOD on King Street in Alexandria was the best, Thai, Cuban, Crab, Bilboa Baggins, Italian and homemade ice cream every day. The HEAT and humidity was the worst. The company was GREAT - Nick & Nancy Ward, Bryce, Lisa and George Whittaker, Jerry & Sue Rapin, Jana Valentiner all shared meals and great conversation with us. We saw the Newsuem, Spy Museum and Mt Vernon. I visited National Art Galleries, Botanical Gardens and the American Indian museum. Did a 6.7 mile run along the Potomic River and met with a ChiRunning coach. Its good to be home where it is a cool 90 degrees and little humidity.

This post is long so it pushes Patrick below the fold!



Ashley A. said...

Yeah for the new Whittaker blog! I can't wait to hear all the new haps and remember some of the old ones too- like Scott puking on me in the West desert. Thanks for bringing that one back.

Ann Marie said...

Boo to humidity. Hooray for good food and company!